Christmas 1996
Dear Friends,
At this timeof the year Pat and I would like to send our Christmas greetings andour Best Wishes for the New Year.
Thispast year has looked with favor upon us and both of us and our entirefamily are in good health and are looking forward to the excitementsand challenges of the New Year. We know that at our ages future yearsmay not look upon us so kindly, but we are prepared for whatever maycome.
Sinceour retirements 16 years ago we have enjoyed our free time and mayhave become hedonists to some extent, and pursuing the pleasureprinciple has not been unpleasant. We have enjoyed traveling and planto continue this interest so long as our health and wallet permits.Two trips to Europe occupied our summer, one to Belgium (Nato &Shafe) and France and Great Britain to visit their Depts. of Defenseand the other to Alsace and Southwest Germany on a wine appreciationtour. In September we joined our companions in D.O.C.A. and spentseveral days in our nation's capitol acquainting ourselves with thestate of health of our Department of Defense and our ForeignPolicy.
ThisJanuary will find us en route to Delray Beach, Florida to spend fourmonths at our condominium; Pat welcomes this change from the coldweather as it helps to make her arthritis a bit more tolerable. I'mmore comfortable in Manchester.
Atthis stage in our lives when the sun is rapidly setting in the westwe appreciate more than ever the role that friendships play in ourlives and how much they add to the meaningfulness of Life. Hearingfrom friends again provides many pleasant reminiscences. We all haveour family members, our neighbors, our travel companions and ouracquaintances from here, there and everywhere to keep in touch withand they are important. The many fascinating friends that we have metin the Defense Orientation Conference Association have added greatlyto our joy of living.
Perhapsour greatest pleasure is in seeing our children prosper and ourgrandchildren grow up into responsible, disciplined and constructivemembers of the human community. One certainly can not ask foranything more!
Atthe present time my major interest has been to foster the concept ofWorld Federalism. To me it is the only rational approach to worldpeace. There is no peace without justice, no justice without law, andno law without government. All that is needed is to raise law to theinternational level! Years ago I endeavored to reach this objectivethrough supporting the Temple of Understanding, a beautifullyconceived idea of erecting a temple housing chapels and librariesrepresentative of the world's six major religions on the bank of thePotomac river in Washington D.C. Unfortunately, it never came topass. Since then I've decided religions are more divisive thanunifying.
Charlie and Pat