There is agreat deal of concern and apprehension regarding the modification ofagricultural products by gene transplantation, particularly inEurope. Alarmist propaganda has led people to believe they areunsafe. In fact , there is absolutely no scientific evidence for thisand the reason given is simply "precaution." One of Man's greatestachievements is in danger of being lost, namely the new technologiesto feed the world!
Dr. NormanBorlaug discusses this in the articlepublished in the Wall Street Journal for Sept. 6, 2000. Dr. Borlaugwon the Noble Prize in 1970 for his accomplishments inagriculture.
The UnitedNations is also concerned in the subject of gene transplantation toimprove crop production and quality, and the followingarticle in the American Association for the United Nation'sjournal attests to this. It is highly illuminating.