Manypeople raised in a formal religious atmosphere find themselves unableto accept the creeds and rituals of their inherited faith,particularly those with any knowledge of science and the scientificmethod. The idea of resurrection is so contrary to their experiencethat is it is simply unacceptable. Gradually they come to theconclusion that a "God," usually omniscient and all powerful, is ananachronism and irrelevant. If they become associated with otherworld great religions they soon realize that all religions have muchin common, and that they are all man made. Most attempt to carry themessage that they were inspired by God or created by God. Yet nonecan prove their assertions. Ultimately many people, and I am amongthem, find that the idea of a God who responds to prayers and plays arole in the conduct of this universe is incomprehensible andunacceptable. In fact, the idea of a God is not at all necessary, andman himself can devise codes of behavior, of ethics and values, thatcan offer help and be effective in their daily lives. The secularapproach is pragmatic and can be summed up in the Humanist Creed.This is all that is necessary for man to live with man. Furthermore,formal religions today are the cause of conflict all over the worldand are more divisive than unifying! Man can throw off the cloak offormal religions and be free to believe as he wishes and as logicdictates.
HomerSmith in his book "Man and His Gods" lists over 4000 man madereligions, all created to fill the innate need of man to make senseof the world in which he lives. Science offers Evolution over eons oftime and this should suffice to explain the physical world we livein. We are simply the most highly evolved of all of nature's species,and endowed with a phenomenal brain and a conscience. We have foundthrough time that only one thing enables man to live with man, albeitimperfectly, and that is a government of law and order! Today we needit on the international level.
Herewithis a secular creed for children that should provide all the sageadvice for a child's upbringing without the need for a mystical Godor omnipotent power. This was inspired by reading the humanist creedfor children.
Charles Edward Jacobson, Jr. M.D.