A New World Order


January 2, 1991

To The Editor:

Thisis a propitious time for everyone interested in World Peace toreconsider the role of the United Nations as an effective instrumentin abolishing war. The preamble to the United Nations Constitutionnobly expresses man's highest aspirations, and the articles are afirst step toward achieving world peace. The framers of the UnitedNations Constitution knew it was not at the time a perfect documentand mandated that a review conference be held in ten years. They weremindful of the United States Constitution which was subsequentlystrengthened by a Bill of Rights and some 20-odd amendments.Unfortunately, the review of the United Nations Constitution wasnever held; at first due to the Soviets' objection and later due tothat of the USA. Neither super power would give up one ounce ofsovereignty, each insisting that it could best serve the world as itspoliceman. Today, both the USA and the Soviet Union are entreatingthe assistance of the United Nations.

Thereis no group who has studied the multitude of plans designed toachieve world peace more than that of the United World Federalists,and the Federalists have concluded that a limited world authority orlimited world government is the only practical solution. Regionalblocs, such as the East-West or the North-South blocs, or bilateralor multilateral treaties, are really only band-aids that solveproblems temporarily. The simple basis for the thinking of the UnitedWorld Federalists is that Peace is not possible without Justice, thatJustice is not possible without Law, and that Law is not possiblewithout Government, and that now is the time to escalate the conceptof Government to the international level. Clark and Sohn's book"World Peace Through World Law" has considered virtually all of theproblems inherent in the formation of a world government, includingthe nature and constitution of the legislature with weighted votingand its complicated finances, etc. They have also considered the roleof the International Court of Justice and the need for the creationof an International Police Force. Each member of the Peace Forcewould vow his allegiance to the World Government and not to thecountry of his origin. They would be truly planetary citizensmaintaining world order.

Theworld today needs the Force of Law and not the law of force. We havetried force in Korea and Vietnam and today are debating it in theMiddle East. A bold and radical change in man's thinking is neededtoday.

Writeto your representatives in Congress and urge their support of thebill requesting a review of the United Nations, so long overdue.

TheUnited World Federalists also advocates a comprehensive nuclear testban treaty, a world criminal court to try international criminals orterrorists, and the Decade of International Law designed to develop aworld legal system within the next ten years.

Thetime is right to give the United Nations the structure and supportnecessary to make it an effective mechanism to achieve the worldpeace so earnestly desired by its founders.


Very truly yours,


Charles E. Jacobson Jr., M.D. 

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