Triple Taxation



To the editor:

The followingletter was sent to three members of the United States Supreme Courtwhom I have had the pleasure of meeting personally at some time inthe past.

While theletter will not change the court's recent decision, it was written toremind them that they may possibly have a greater role to play thanmerely to decide whether the State of Connecticut was or was notentitled to further tax the dividends of its citizens. I was hopefulthat the court might see the injustice of triple taxation, and theunfortunate effect it will have on the American economy.

Should youchoose to publish this letter, this introduction might bemeaningful.


DearHonorable Justice:

I wasdismayed the other morning to read that the Supreme Court of theUnited States, in essence at least, approves of the triple taxationof dividends in the state of Connecticut. I realize that it is theduty of Congress and the state Legislature to draw up the laws andthat it is the duty of the court to see they are properlyinterpreted.

Corporations,rightfully, are taxed on their profits and their dividend, and thesesame profits, are also taxed a second time in one's individual IRSreturns. Unfortunately, in the State of Connecticut, they are taxed athird time! Triple taxes on earnings of an American Businessenterprise!!

Capitalinvestment is the life blood of the American economy, and permitsexpansion of existing businesses, development of new businesses, andthe modernization of old businesses to meet foreign competition.Capital investment is essential for the growth of our country, forthe support of the American economy, and for the expansion of ourAmerican industries. Who, may I ask, is going to invest in Americaand its businesses if Uncle Sam is going to raid the till twice, andthe State of Connecticut a third time?

Surely somesanity should prevail in our system of taxation. No one begrudgesjust and equitable taxes, but triple taxation seems beyond reason andis depressing to both the American public and its businesses.


Charles E. Jacobson Jr., M.D.

45 Wyllys St.

Manchester, CT 

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