Eversince Nat Lauriat, the minister of the Unitarian Church of Hartford,Ct., returned from a six month's sabbatical tour of Israel somethirty five years ago I have been interested in the Palestinianrefugee problem. At that time I was told that thousands of displacedPalestinians were living in tents after having been evicted fromtheir homes in Israel. Nat added that the Middle East problem wouldnever be solved until this wrong was corrected, and the refugeespermitted to return to Israel and their homes.
Thewar of 1948 to proclaim "The State of Israel" was won decisively byIsrael and some 660,000 Palestinian refugees were transferred to thetent city. There they have languished for the past 50 years. Help hascome from the United Nations but very little from the wealthy Arabnations in the area. Today the refugees number approximately 5million and there is no way they can be returned to Israel! Arafat'sinsistence that they be returned to Israel is impossible! Theappended article by FLAME suggests a solution and tells the storymore completely. It is worthy of your attention.