Peace Associations


Center for DefenseInformation (CDI) - Oneof the finest organizations that exists today to monitor theactivities of our Department of Defense is the CDI, or Center forDefense Information. It was founded by retired members of themilitary service, many of whom were generals or admirals, who todayconstitute the majority of its staff. These men, by virtue of theirmilitary experience, are in a position to serve as "watch dogs" andto carefully observe and monitor the activities of the variousbranches of the DOD. President Eisenhower had warned us of the"military industrial complex" and urged us to be on guard againstit.
Now, andfor many years, the deliberations and conclusions reached by thisgroup are provided in a monthly publicaion called "The DefenseMonitor." Their research is thorough and their conclusions carrygreat weight in Congress or, as they say, "on the hill."
As amember of the Defense Orientation Conference Association (DOCA) I amsupportive of the DOD, but I am also aware that in any organizationof the size of our military complex there may be duplication ofsystems and programs that may not be in the best interest of ourcountry either strategically or economically. The CDI also evaluatesoperations of the military services in various parts of the world andconstructively comments on them, offering suggestions that may bemost helpful. No organization is so perfect that it does not need orcannot be helped by some impartial oversight.

TheLifebridge Foundation -The Lifebridge Foundation, Inc. was established in 1992for the purpose of supporting organizations and individuals who,through cultural, educational, and/or scientific means, are dedicatedto creating bridges of understanding among all people by bringing torealization the concepts of one humanity and theinterconnectedness of all life. We seek to find those groups andindividuals whose innovative projects reflect these concepts; whosework exemplifies a global vision, demonstrates a spirit ofinclusiveness, and fosters transformative action in a changingworld.
Apublication entitled "The Bridging Tree" is published by theFoundation and usually contains a message from the president as wellas other pertinent activities of the corporation. Anyone interestedin the Peace Movement will find this organization most helpful increating grassroots activities.

The StanleyFoundation - "TheStanley Foundation seeks a secure peace with freedom and justice,build on world citizenship and effective global governance." It istax exempt, non-profit educational institution that published "TheCourier," a publication that serves to provoke thought and dialoguearound the world. It also organized convocations or seminars in whichexperts in various fields are brought together to present their viewson subjects of national and international interest. It also sponsorsa half hour radio program on world affairs entitled "Common Ground,"and a catalog listing available programs and a list of broadcastingstations is available at: is one of the finest organizations of its kind and I heartilyrecommend that anyone interested in the problems of world peace geton their mailing list.

United StatesInstitute of Peace - Formany years I have believed, along with many others, that we shouldhave an Academy of Peace, much like our service academies. It makessense to train our young men and women to fight in institutions likeWest Point, Annapolis, and the Air Force Academy and it also makessense to teach them conflict resolution and Peace Diplomacy in anequivalent institution. Finally after much discussion congressgranted us The United States Institute of Peace. Unfortunately it isnot an academy but merely a grant of money to be expended in specialprojects most of which relate to conflict resolution.

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