FEBRUARY 10, 2004
The meeting of Pitkin Glass Works was called to order by President Rick Ciralli at 7:15 PM.
The following members were present: President Rick Ciralli, Dave Smith, Mary Jane Cooper, Tom Duff, Genevieve Robb, Jean Kelsey, Sandra Cappellucci, Thelma Woodbridge, Jean Kocsis, Dorothy Olcott, John Spaulding, Ross Nelson, Harold Slater and Dr. John Malone.
The regular scheduled meeting for January 27, 2004 was rescheduled because of winter storm conditions.
The secretary's report was read and accepted after the following correction was made. A motion was made by Joan Kelsey at the meeting to give out-going president George Murphy a big Thank You for his many years of devoted service to Pitkin Glass Works.
The Treasurer, Tom Duff reported a balance on hand of $7,612.37. See attached report. Dave Smith had a question about the Clark Insurance payment of $100.00. It was explained that the charge was for Bonding insurance. Jean Kelsey asked if the amount from Ruth Shepard's estate was restricted. The answer was no.
Jean Kelsey motioned to accept the report and Dr. Malone second. The motion passed.
Old Business:
President Rick Ciralli passed out printed material showing what our web site would look like. He will maintain the site.
The site can be found at http://www.pitkinglassworks.org.
President Ciralli made a motion to spend $7.95 per month for a host site. The motion carried.
President Ciralli will call Allied Printing to get a cost of reprinting the Pitkin Glass Book.
It was noted that more meetings should be scheduled to sort and organize the Shards from the digs at the Pitkin Glass Site. The following dates and times were scheduled: February 19,2004 9:00 to 12:30. March 11, 2004 6:00 to 8:30. March 18,2004 9:00 to 12:30.
President Ciralli suggested that more excavations be scheduled at the Pitkin Site. Dave Smith will contact the schools and coordinate with U-Conn to schedule 2 digs in May.