Planetary Passport move toward worldunity
RIO DE JANEIRO (BH) - "Someday, hopefully, we'll all havepassports of this kind," the distinguished, gray-haired gentlemansaid as he handed a sky-blue document to the immigration official atRio's International Airport last Sunday.
Unfortunately the official did not speak English or French, andneither recognized nor stamped the "PlanetaryPassport" in front of him.
So Dr. Charles E. Jacobson, Jr. turned over his blue-green U.S.passport with a smile.
"I always hand over my Planetary Passport first when I enter acountry," Dr. Jacobson said. "Sometimes it arouses a great deal ofinterest."
But it has very few immigration stamps for a passport of someoneas widely traveled as Jacobson - only Iceland and Luxembourg.
On the other hand, it frequently opens the doors of conversationfor what are obviously favorite topics of the famous, semi-retiredurologist: human unity, world federation and the futility of war.
DR. JACOBSON | Since going into semi-retirement five years ago, Dr. Jacobson says he has been busy writing letters and lobbying Congress to take action to review and restructure the United Nations to make it an effective, strong organization, with voting weighted according to member countries' population, GNP and other factors. He has also promoted the United World Federalists, in which he has been active since the late 1940s, and its off-shoot the World Association of World Parliamentarians, which issues the Planetary Passport from its Ottawa headquarters, or through Planetary Citizens at 777 United Nations Plaza, New York 10017. Some 10,000 leading citizens of the world carry the passport, Jacobson says, and there are more than 25,000 World Federalist members in the U.S. alone. There are also passport holders and Federalists in almost every country of the world, except the Soviet Union, he says. |
Basically, they agree that "wars have never settled anything fromtime immemorial, and the time has come to elevate our thinking to aglobal level to save the human race from self-destruction.
"It is becoming more and more obvious that all countries areinterdependent," Jacobson says - advocating a limited worldgovernment with an international police force stronger than any worldpower can maintain today.
Each country would keep its own internal security forces,language, culture, he says, but "all would be loyal to the highersovereignty of planetary citizenship, and there would be nodeclaration of war permitted. All differences would be submitted forarbitration to the International Court of Justice at The Haig."
Dr. and Mrs. Jacobson came from their home in Hartford, Conn., tospend Carnival in Rio as houseguests of their long-time friends, Dr.and Mrs. Ruy Goyanna.
The two urologists each spent five years as fellows at the MayoClinic in Rochester, Minn., in the early 1940s, and have maintainedcontact since, frequently at meetings of the American UrologyAssociation to which they both belong.
This is Dr. Jacobson's third trip to Brazil. On previous visits hestopped over returning from Chile, where he was a frequent visitingprofessor of urology at the University of Santiago over a period of10 years.
Tuesday evening the Jacobson's met old friends and made new onesat a reception in their honor given by the Goyannas at their home inJardim Botanico attended by members of the medical profession,television personalities, and colleagues of Dr. Goyanna's from theInstituta Brasil-Estados Unidos board.
Among them were Professor Nova Monteiro, Clementio Fraga Filho,Drs. Ugo Pinho Guimaráes, Brun Negreiros, Pitanguy, LuizFelipe Matoso and Murillo Belchior.
Before leaving Brazil in March the Jacobson's will have alsovisited Iguaçu Falls and Brasilia. Returning to Connecticut,they will start preparing for a trip in May with a group of doctors,nurses and social workers invited by the Chinese government to visitChina.
Where Dr. Jacobson will no doubt again present his PlanetaryPassport, and continue his crusade for world unity.