Itwas only a little more than four months ago that most, if not all ofus, were gathered together to celebrate Amos Friend's life. While wegrieved his passing, he was well aware, as we all are, that dying isas natural as being born, and that our birth is but death begun. Itis in this same spirit, that of celebrating Ruth's life, thatprompted me to accept the opportunity of speaking about Ruth at thisservice. We shall miss her, and her family most of all, for she was amost loyal Mother, faithful to her own, under all circumstances andconcerned always about their lives and welfare. Hers was a lifeworthy of emulation, an inexhaustible source of love andcompassion.
Noone person lives alone and apart from the rest of mankind, and weall, in our varied and diverse ways, touch all about us. Ruth touchedus all in a way that we'll always remember, for her touch was gentle,kind, warm and caring, and we were all enriched by this experience.her touch was lasting, indelible and inerasable, and will remain withus for the remainder of our lives. For this we are most grateful.
ThomasJefferson said "I would rather light a candle from another's candlerather than curse darkness" for, in so doing, I am adding to thelight of the world while no detracting from the other's light. Ruth'scandle has shown brightly and provided added enlightenment to ourlives. She has illuminated new paths for us to explore when our livesare darkened by adversity and despair. her candle will continue toshine brightly in our lives so long as we live.
Theaphorism that "still waters runneth deep" is true of Ruth Friend. Onemight suspect she was shy, certainly upon one's first meeting, forshe was not aggressive or forward, but as one came to know Ruthbetter, one realized what a magnificent person she truly was. Totallyunselfish, concerned and caring for her legion of friends,captivating when she opened up and exposed her fine and well informedmind, and attractive beyond words when her deep love of life wasreleased from her "genie" bottle. She was like a beautiful but filledwith the promise of beauty which, on appropriate occasions, wouldopen up and shower us with its beauty and fragrance. Truly she was abeautiful flower among us and, like most flowers, unfortunately,transient in their presence.
Oneof the real pleasures of my life was to be invited into Ruth's home,always immaculate, and always providing an atmosphere conducive tofriendly and cordial relationships. Her welcome smile never seemed todesert her. She was a most gracious hostess, always mindful of thekitchen. Her dinners were always full of pleasant surprises, and inthe kitchen, she was a "natural" and the envy of us all.
Iwill especially remember Ruth for her loyalty to all about her andthe fact that there was no hate, anger or vindictiveness in her soul.If it may be said of any person that they turned the proverbial"cheek" when struck, it can surely be said of Ruth, and in thisregard she was set apart from most of us. For me, I shall rememberher as "One to whom was given so much of heaven and so much ofearth", for she represented the best in the human spirit.
Dr.Dumphey who was one of America's great surgeons and who died twoyears ago after wrestling with an incurable malignancy for six years,said shortly before his death - "Death holds no fearful threat forme, for living without life would be hell. Death is natural, it maybe just, it is often easeful and merciful, and ought always to bedignified. Who knows, it may be paradise." If it is paradise, I amsure Ruth is there together with Amos, with whom she shared so muchof life's pleasures and joys:
IfI may paraphrase Archibald Macleish:
Ourdeparted friend Ruth speaks no longer. Nevertheless she is heard inthe stillness of our hearts. She says I was alive at one time andhave now died. Remember me. I have done in my time what could bedone, but my job is unfinished. It is yours to finish, and until itis finished it is not done. Whether my life will be for the good orfor nothing will mean what you make it, and it is for you to say it.Give my life added meaning in yours, for in that manner I shallcontinue to live.
Iwas alive once and have died. Remember me as your friend, RuthFriend.
Charles E. Jacobson
October 15, 1983