From time to time thoughts occur to all of us, andI thought I would like to record mine for my family and friends. Theyare ideas that pop up in our minds at odd moments and may be ofvalue. A friend admonished me to keep them simple. From time to timeI shall add something to this column.
Imagination and the Ideal World
Imaginationis one of the great attributes of the human mind and enables all ofus to escape from our programed lives and live in an idealized worldof our own creation. In my case it is my Walter Mitty complex. Attimes I have been a Czar, a Sultan, a President, a King, an Emperor,a Shogun, a Pope, and a Master of the Universe. Now that I havesupreme control of everything what would I do?
First of all Iwould acknowledge that I am simply an animal that has achieved thislevel of distinction, and based on my experience as a human being Iwould create a body of laws that would govern our behavior. Theselaws would be based on a consensus of human experience , and not onany divine laws or supernatural influences. In some respects it wouldreflect Plato's Ideal Republic, where each man achieves his positionbased on his performance and at the top would be the PhilosopherKing, accepted by all. This is truly an ideal state and unlikely tooccur.
Given the worldas it is I would establish a limited world authority of some kindbased upon democratic principles and the spirit of Federalism.
There would be arule of Law and not the rule of Force. Each nation could retain itsown language and customs and its only restrictions would be itsinability to declare war on its neighbors. Any differences would bedecided in an international Court of Justice. An international policeforce would be required and should be strong enough to overcome anysovereign nation. A legislature would be created based on the "triad"principle, namely population, gross national product, literacy. Manhas created the means of his destruction (Nuclear War), but Man,given his intelligence, should be able to find a solution to hissurvival.
There aremany definitions for success but one of those I like is that createdby Bessie Anderson in 1904.
He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much: who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it , whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of Earth's beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had; whose life was an inspiration; whose memory a benediction.Bessie Anderson, 1904