In the 1960'sI created a Memorial Tree Program for the town of Manchester,Connecticut. People were invited to send in a sum of money for whicha tree or a shrub would be planted. This could serve to memorializesomeone who had died or to honor a living person. The donor would beacknowledged by receiving a thank you card and having his or her namepublished in our local newspaper. The recipients family would alsoreceive notification of the gift. Hazel Lutz drew the art work forthe notices and made plaques to distribute throughout the town topublicize the program. I had noted similar programs in Camden, Maineand Memphis, Tennessee and thought Manchester could benefit from sucha program.
As a resultof the program several hundred trees and shrubs were plantedthroughout the city and it added greatly to the beauty of our City ofVillage Charm. The administration of the program was carried out bythe Manchester Chamber of Commerce. Unfortunately, when our localnewspaper was discontinued the program suffered and its effectivenessdiminished. Recently, however, the town of Manchester has assumed theadministration of the program and notice of this can been seen belowin the brochure, along with some other information.
An article written in the localpaper about the tree program:
A letter to the editor I wroteabout the program:
A Town of Manchester brochurefor the program:
A card of appreciation sent tothe donors to the program: