Charles E. Jacobson's

Lettersto the Editor


To reiterate:

"Like most Americans who have grown up to love and respect ourcountry I have found myself engaged and engrossed by its politicalsystem and its processes. Since newspapers are an avenue of politicalexpression I have resorted to Letters To The Editor to express myopinions and views on many subjects, some of which I have gatheredtogether for my family to view, if interested. Many werecontroversial, some still are, and some are obviously dated or maybemoot. Hopefully they will be interesting and serve as a legacy ofinvolvement."


The following are the letters to the editor I have written to thenewspaper over the years. They are listed alphabetically rather thanchronologically because I don't have the dates for several ofthem.


Blood Bank Success 1997

Bogart on NHI

Cost Benefit Analysis and MedicalCare

Declaration of Philadelphia1987

Extend Deer Hunt

Government Regulation

Grant a Political Prisoner 1978

Let Us Not Prejudge the Results1978

Locate Memorial at Glassworks

Loud Music Not Necessarily theBest

A New World Order 1991 (alsolisted on my main page)

The Population Problem1978

Preventative Medicine, Largelya Myth 1978

The Science of Futurism

Six-year Presidency?

Taxation and Retirement1983

Trinity College, a Party School?1997

Triple Taxation 

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